q 什么是三菱重工海尔中央空调系统的工作原理?



m 三菱重工海尔中央空调系统是一种基于制冷剂循环的空调设备,通过压缩、冷凝和膨胀等过程将热量从室内空气转移到室外空气中。

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Central Air Conditioning System works by taking heat from the air inside your home through a refrigerant cycle. The refrigerant absorbs heat as it passes through the coil of the outside unit then releases that heat back into the outdoor environment when it returns to the indoor coil.

m 该系统包括两个主要部分:制冷和制热。在制冷过程中,压缩机将液体制冷剂加热并转化为气态;然后它通过冷凝器冷却空气以降低温度。在这个过程中,液化蒸发器会吸收热量并将其转移到室内空气中来达到降温的目的。 Reason 需要用户回答问题

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Central Air Conditioning System works by using refrigerant to remove heat from the air around you.

m 在工作中,它会将室内的空气与室外的新鲜空气进行交换。通过一个名为冷凝器(Condenser)和 蒸发器(Evaporator)的装置来完成这个过程:
- 制冷剂从压缩机进入到冷凝器中; - 然后被冷却并变成液体状态; - 这种液态形式的制冷剂随后返回回路循环系统以重复上述过程

m 该系统通过将空气从室内和室外分别加热或冷却,并将其混合在一起以提供舒适的温度。

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries K.K. 和 Haier Group are manufacturers of air conditioning systems that use refrigerant gases to transfer heat from one place to another. The Mitsubishi-Haier system works by using a compressor to increase the pressure of the refrigerant gas which lowers its temperature. The cooled gas then flows through an evaporator coil inside the building where it absorbs heat from the indoor environment. The hot outside air is then replaced with cold cooled outside air via a condenser coil located outside the building. Finally the cooled refrigerant gas returns to the compressor for cycling and can be used again.

m 在Mitsubishi Heavy Industries和Haier之间,有一台名为“中央空调”的系统。它由一个大型机器组成:一台制冷机、一台压缩机以及一些管道和其他部件。这些设备通过液体循环来冷却建筑物内的空气并提高室内温度舒适度。当室外气温较高时,这个系统会将热量从房间中移除到室外空气中去以保持室温稳定;而当我们需要加热的时候,则会把热能引入房间内以便达到理想的温度状态。
